Renée Chanelle

Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner & Coach

"I've found that I naturally inspire change.
Most of the time I am intuitively guided to what people need in order to heal & believe in themselves. Everyone has a unique path, so there's no judgement.

Having a coach or therapist who can tune in and reflect with you can be invaluable.

We all get stuck now & then, the key is to get curious, don't judge, and keep learning about yourself. You can upgrade your life from where you are by Upgrading your own psychological & physiological toolkit to start gaining momentum in a better direction and enjoying life again. Body-mind-soul connection is key"  

Renee Chanelle 2019
Certified Rapid Transformation Practitioner

Specialising in :

Rapid Transformation Therapy

Resilience & Life Challenges

Holistic Intuitive Coaching

Somatic Recog./Precog.

Energy management

Weightloss, Gut-Health & Biohacking

Self-Confidence & Emotional Mastery

Organisation, Space Clearing, Establishing Clarity

Entreprenuerial Challenges

Parenting & childhood issues

Creativity & Flow state

Dating & Relationships

Renée has a caring, straight forward, non-judegmental approach, and intuitively tunes in to others, with the ability to recognise patterns and their meanings, then 'connecting the dots' quite quickly to understand behaviours & help you change.

Working from an energetic basis then using a future-focused approach. She feels it's an advantage not being confined to a 'traditional' model (psychology) of thinking when helping people get 'unstuck' and regain momentum in life. She has further developed skills in this area as a Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner & further professional develpment as a Clinical Hynotherapist.

Certified Rapid Transformation Practitioner

Renée also assists other entrepreneurs, authors, therapists, coaches and psychologists with their digital marketing and business systems. Having worked in photography & photo-editing, graphic design, website design/development and social media since 2010, "marketing has always been a fun job, & now I'm helping other brilliant therapists be discovered by the clients that need them the most".

"Having a very creative and visual aesthetic, combined with tech and systems ... my curiosity naturally lead me to the intersection between technology & psychology.  This has been super helpful with the way tech, business, marketing of health & mental health are evolving & merging. Not to mention the need for every business needing to be online. The traditional model is evolving fast"

Energetic guidance
Rapid Transformation Therapy
Experience on Earth
Branding & Marketing

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Project Management
Intuitive Coaching
Change & Transformation
Organised Chaos

About Renée

"I believe that we're all here to reach our highest potential!
why not seek help to figure it out quicker?"

Life gets in the way and many of us end up living in 'survival mode', rather than thriving as the unique  and gifted humans we were meant to be.  Renée has a diverse professional background and experience in career transitions across professions and industries.

"Personally I feel I've lived many lifetimes within this one. I've constantly transformed myself and my own reality and now excited about coaching others to do the same" ... "yet, it's all connected & come full circle!"

For the past 20 years she has been on a self-development and spiritual journey which has lead down many 'rabbit holes', which developed insight in many areas. Her now adult son "has been one of (her) biggest teachers, ... Having a child early in life helps you mature quickly and dropping your ego is essential. The journey has been an interesting one!"

After having her drink spiked during after-work drinks on a Friday night she developed significant gut health issues. Soon after getting to a stage of burnout being a parent & also working 50-60hrs wk in project-management.

Realising everything had to change, she moved to Cairns and became co-owner of a business, and started developing her creative skills in beautiful Far North Queensland. Over the past 10 years personal research on all things consciousness, gut-health, fitness, psychology and body-mind connection has resulted in a wealth of knowledge.

"I saw so many doctors & specialists, although well-intentioned, couldn't help at all, and I soon realised I had to take responsibility for healing myself"

The need for flexible part-time work then led to working in a psychology practice. Having a strong business, marketing & organisational background has certainly been helpful, however, the curiosity and ability to see people's patterns has always been strong. This inspired the creation of a different way to help clients.

Renée started studying a Bachelor of Psychology in 2003 and then pivoted her efforts toward business & marketing. Renée believes that the 'coaching' label allows a more holistic approach.

Now qualified in RTT she is focusing her diverse knowledge & skills in a cohesive way to help people better understand themselves and stay motivated to create their own version of an amazing life.

"Sometimes we fight our initial intuition and listen to other people & parents opinions. Then the universe brings you full-circle back to what you were wired to do. I'm sure I'll continue to evolve , and that's always the fun part. The detour was super helpful, and taking the scenic route is more interesting."

Certified Rapid Transformation Practitioner

"If you want someone who can work with you as an RTT Practitioner and Coach, and an accountability partner who's caring, objective, and has a client focused "no BS with love" approach then I'd love to work with you. I'm not here to tell you what to do, only inspire and guide you. I'll share tools and methods that have helped me and others to upgrade your life quicker than doing it alone.  I look forward to connecting and helping you design your new life."  ~ RC

You can book a no obligation introductory chat - after which, you can then schedule an RTT session ...
RTT session plus coaching package over 3 or 6 mths can help to support you with life transitions.

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"Renee is very knowledgeable in many areas, Thankyou! you gave me my life back!"

— Matt

"Renee has so much wisdom to share, and her words are healing in many ways"

— Christine J.

"Renee is very tuned in & seems to know the right words to say that can change my perspective quite quickly and help me focus on creating my future"

— Anoymous

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On the Road

Current location:
Barossa Valley, Australia (GMT +9.5hrs)

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