Recommended Biohacking (Health, Mind & Body) Resources

These products and services are highly recommended and will help you hack your health, optimise your overall performance and overcome any limitations that could be holding you back.

Some are simple and inexpensive, and others are more complex and of course cost more.

After much research and/or testing these have been proven to improve your life in various ways.

We'd love your feedback once you've tried them

True Dark Glasses

Eliminate The Harmful Blue Light That Can Disrupt Your Natural Bio-Rhythum

Naturally we used to sleep when the sun went down and rise when the sun came up. Now we have so much artificial light and light pollution, particularly in cities. However, the biggest issues come from the blue light emitted from our electronic devices ... We're now permanently attached to our mobile phones which means that our bio-rythums can become unbalanced & our bodies don't know when it's time to sleep. If you have trouble with sleep these could help.

SleepPhones & RunPhones

The most comfortable headphones for sleep and Sport

Description and info goes here

Reduce Oxidated stress & promote cellular repair

We've been using the NanoVi for around 6 months and we love it.

We've create a video review by Dr Matt to give you an overview, but for more information visit the ENG3 website.

Quote: MW1  when purchasing to let Martin @ ENG3 know you saw it here
