Evidence-based Trauma Treatments

A trained therapist will be able to guide you as to what may work for you ... and it can even take numerous types of therapy in combination to be able to move past a traumatic event (PTSD) or overcome behaviours and triggers/responses for those with Complex PTSD.

These are a few of the most widely known and accessible treatments for most people:

EMDR: eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

EMDR is one of the most accepted and widely used evidence based trauma treatments.

This is guided Eye movement, done at specific speeds, while being asked to remember the traumatic event that typically causes a strong emotional response.

The result is being able to remember the event without the strong emotional response.

Q: Will EMDR effect my memory?

A: no, there is no alteration to the memory of the event, just a desensitisation or distancing of the strong emotional response ... so you're able to understand and reprocess it.

Keep in mind that everyone responds differently to therapies, and it's always best to talk to a trauma informed therapist about your specific situation.


Hypnotherapy is an evidence based therapy that works with the subconscious mind.

There can be a misconception that it's like the hypnosis stage shows you may have seen & you'll start clucking like a chicken or something weird... but it's far from the truth.

If you wouldn't normally do something suggested to you, a hypnotherapist cannot make it so ... you're always in control, and the suggestions provided to your subconscious mind are just that ... suggestions.

Everyone goes into a trance state most days, and is similar to allowing auto-pilot to take over when doing things like washing the dishes or driving a familiar route ... then all of a sudden you're home & you don't remember the trip.

Talk to a therapist you trust and has a process that resonates with you, if you feel uncomfortable then trust your gut feeling, as you may not be ready to open yourself up completely just yet, and that's okay! It's the mind's way of protecting you.

Somatic Trauma release

Somatic therapies typically involves physical movement, tapping, breath-work, massage or acupressure, to name a few, and can be a combination of these. It works by releasing tension held in the body (another way of working with the subconscious), and is another evidence based therapy that works really well for those that are more tactile in nature.

There are certainly patterns to somatic trauma release therapies, however individuals hold tension naturally in differing parts of their physical body, therefore a consultation with a knowledgeable somatic therapist, who is trauma informed is important.

It can be surprising to say the least if you're not prepared. The release of tension can happen in many ways - including, muscle spasms or unusual movements, and release of wind are common.

After Therapy: Creating New habits

Once you've decided to seek out a therapist and had a few sessions, your therapist can be a great support, however there should come a point where you're able to create a new routine to assist in maintaining a healthier mindset and create new behaviour patterns.

For example, if you'd typically reach for a drink to slow down your mind or 'relax' when not otherwise engaged in activities ... alternatives can be something like:

- learning yoga or doing breath-work on your own

- meditation

- walking or doing a moving meditation to music.

- Hitting the gym to work off excess energy and release those lovely post workout endorphins.

- maybe going for a ride or doing a physical activity you enjoy

Ready to find out more?

There are many more options, and I may create another blog post to specifically talk about the many things you can do yourself.

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